Saturday, October 8, 2011

Swimming Upstream

I feel like I'm swimming upstream lately. Anyone who knows me well knows that swimming in general is an absolutely terrifying thing for me - one of my greatest fears is water.

I'm trying to stay focused on what really matters. I'm also trying to think about the things that I'm grateful to have in my life. It's helping, somewhat, but I'm still feeling pushed downstream, barely treading water.

The things that are overwhelming me are the same things every other human being deals with: work, family, friends, money, health, time..... Normally, I'm ok juggling a few problems. They're usually not that heavy, you see. Add a heavy issue to the mix, and it gets a bit harder. Add two or more..... Well, that's when I find myself thinking of water. And swimming. And how important it is not to fail.

When you're stressed and overwhelmed, what images come to your mind?

1 comment:

  1. I see myself with someone's hands on my shoulders and they are pushing me down to the point my arms are dragging the ground when I walk...
