Saturday, September 3, 2011

Why, Walmart? Why? Next Time, Target.

I've spent my day sticking donation tags on items for Chemo Cargo tote bags, and making a run to Walmart for large plastic bins to store said tote bags. Why couldn't Target have built a store a block away from me instead of Walmart? I end up frustrated and sorry I ever set foot in the door about 50% of the time I walk into a Walmart. You'd think I'd learn not to go there. This morning I told myself that it was only for plastic bins, how bad could it be?

On a Saturday, don't you think they could have more than 4 registers open in a Walmart super store? Seriously? And of course 2 of the lines open are 20 items or less, one line sells cigarettes, and the other line is on the grocery side. I only had 12 items, but the darn lines were just so long. I waited longer in line - much longer - than I spent walking in, getting a cart, getting my items, and walking to the front of the store.

Next time, I'm definitely going to Target. They have better shopping carts, too.

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